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Shawn T. O'Dare

For Time: 28:18, 30# vest

  • 2 mile Run - 22:12

  • 16 Burpees

  • 85 Box Step-Ups (20/16 in)

Wear a Weight Vest (50/30 lb). Or if you have Bunker Gear, wear it.

With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written. Weight Vest is intended to be heavy. Use caution when performing Burpees to keep the Vest stable.


I really enjoyed this workout! I tried to go a little faster every 400 meters or so on the run. I started at 5.0 on the treadmill and ended at 5.8. Burpees slow and steady - they felt better than I thought they would! Box step-ups are way easier with the vest than with the backpack I used for "Chad"! Used a 20' box but stood on one 45# and one 10# plate.



Background: This hero workout is dedicated to Shawn T. O’Dare, a 28-year-old Miami-Dade County Firefighter/Paramedic and public safety diver, who gave his life attempting to rescue a child entrapped in an overturned vehicle submerged in a canal on February 16, 1985.

No dive gear was available on the truck responding to the call yet O’Dare went into the water anyway, knowing the child, trapped in a seat belt, had very little time. O’Dare’s death led Miami-Dade County to start its Dive Rescue Program, now the largest of its kind in the country, which is also named in his honor.

The workout was designed by Coach Kellie O’Dare Wilson. Shawn was her uncle and was an amazing father figure to her being raised by a single mom.

The rep scheme signifies the date of the incident 2/16/85.


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