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It's a Trap

For Time: 11:40 100 Burpees 200 meter Run to start, then again every 2 minutes The workout begins with a 200 meter run. Then perform burpees until the 2:00 mark and run another 200 meters. So, athletes will run on minutes: 0, 2, 4, 6, etc. and perform burpees in the remaining time until the next 2 minute mark is reached…until 100 burpees are completed. This was TOUGH!! Tasted blood by the third round and got the "fran cough"!! Lol!! ******************************* Corey Brinkley of CrossFit Darkside (El Cajon, CA) submitted this to us in August, 2017 - it was originally posted on their site April 3, 2017. Corey said: "Burpees being a movement that is universally hated, we wanted to create a workout where you are rewarded for keeping the burpee intensity high. The reward is less running! The "It's A Trap" name came from the coaches repeatedly saying during the workout explanation that you can dig yourself into a big hole if you don't push hard and you're only getting a few burpees each round." The first time the workout was programmed the top 3 male scores were 9:50, 11:53, 13:14; female: 9:39, 15:25, 15:49.

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