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AMRAP in 20 minutes: 11 + 26

  • 22 Air Squats

  • 12 Toes-to-Bar

  • 9 Burpees

  • If you have a weight vest wear it.

I loved this WOD - just great cardio! I would like to do it again with my vest sometime... ****************************** British Hero WOD: In the early hours of 15 October 2013, Lance Corporal James Brynin’s section into the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province to counter an imminent threat to both the Afghan population and the International Security Assistance Force. Toward the end of the operation they became the target of enemy fire. Together with a sniper and machine gunner of the BRF, Lance Corporal Brynin returned fire, but while extracting from the area he received a fatal gunshot wound. “Heart of a lion, we will always stand strong for you. We will never forget. Rest in peace - dad, Efremj mum, Sharonj sister, Yasminj and girlfriend, Olivia.”

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