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The Thirteen - Dan Bailey

13 Rounds for Time: Finished in 1:23:47

  • 26 calorie Row

  • 8 Strict Pull-Ups

  • 21 Shoulder-to-Overheads (95/65 lb)


This was a great workout as I am healing up my pulled calf muscle.

The row took between 1:54 and 2:10

I split every round of strict pull-ups into 5/3

and the shoulder to overhead I did push press - 2 rounds unbroken, 2 rounds 16/5 and the rest 15/6

Grateful to honor all of these heroes a second time as I have also done the other workout in their honor called "The Thirteen"


This workout is dedicated to the 13 service members – 11 Marines, an Army Corpsman, and a Navy Corpsman – who died on August 26, 2021, at the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, while engaged in a dangerous, selfless mission to save the lives of others. They were assisting in the evacuation of US Citizens and friendly Afghan nationals.

The attack marked one of the deadliest days for American forces in the past decade of the 20-year war in Afghanistan — and took place just days ahead of the U.S.’s planned full withdrawal from the country that was overtaken on Aug. 15 by the Taliban.

The soldiers who sacrificed their lives were:– Dylan Merola – 20– Daegan William-Tyeler Page – 23– Humberto Sanchez – 22– Johanny Rosario – 25– Nicole Gee – 23– Hunter Lopez – 22– Taylor Hoover – 31– Ryan Knauss – 23– David Lee Espinoza – 20– Rylee McCollum – 20– Jared Schmitz – 20– Kareem Nikoui – 20– Max Soviak – 22

The workout was designed by Dan Bailey @dan_bailey9.

See also: 13 Heroes of Kabul,” “The Thirteen,” and “Heroes of Kabul


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