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Painstorm XV (Dumbbell Hell)

7 rounds for time: Did NOT finish in 45:32 (3 rounds)

10 man-makers

20 dumbbell deadlifts

30 single arm dumbbell snatches

40 single overhead lunges

50 dumbbell swings

Pick your own weight. Use the same dumbbells throughout.


I got through 2 rounds with the 35#'s in 31:16!!

Did the third round with the 25#'s but was wrecked by then. Finished 3 rounds in 45:32.  Whew!! I definitely went too heavy but even at a lighter weight this would be tough. I loved the challenge, though, and will some day get through all of it!

My face afterwards!  Lol!
My face afterwards! Lol!


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