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Gordon Beesley

For Time: 6/27/21 in 106:33

Second time 9/25/22 in 95:05

6 Rounds:

800 Meter Ruck - 20/14lb vest

2 Rope Climbs

19 Wall Balls 20/14#

2021 Meter Bike

** 621 TOTAL Double Unders done in any way

One of the members of the Untapped community Patti, knew Officer Beesley well and asked to do a workout in his honor.

The meaning of the numbers:

6 Rounds - He was 51 so I just added those numbers together.

He loved to hike so I added the ruck.

In a text that he had sent to school staff he had climbed up onto the roof to retrieve some tennis balls and a student called him a Ninja! In that spirit, I added 2 rope climbs (For his 2 children), and 19 wall balls (He was with the Arvada Police Department for 19 years.)

The double unders and meters on the bike represent the day his watch ended 6-21-2021.

Pattie says that Gordon was an amazing individual. Kind, generous and always positive. I read somewhere that his motto was "Look for the good in every day." She also says that he had a great sense of humor, was very humble and that everyone who knew him, loved him.

I was honored to write this and honored to do this in his memory. Thank you Patti for the suggestion...


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