Barbell Murph
For Time: Finished in 66:24
1 Mile Run with unloaded barbell - 13:25
100 Power Cleans 95# - 13:11
200 Bench Press 55#- 18:18
300 Squats 35# - 24:57
1 Mile Run with unloaded barbell - 11:58
This workout was written by Ryan Garcia. I have wanted to do it for such a long time. It was definitely as great as I hoped it would be!
I used the first run as a warm-up so I walked for about 100 meters before I started to jog a little bit. The first 400 meters are a gradual uphill so that was pretty slow. I started with the barbell across my back and it is easier to run faster with it in that position but it quickly cramps up your traps. So, for most of the runs I had it on one or the other shoulder. The cleans were great! I did singles but in sets of 20 before taking a break. Near 70 I started to feel my back so I had to be super upright and slowed down just a bit.
The bench went downhill faster than I thought. Lol! I was thinking I was going to do sets of 25 and my first set was 25, but then went to sets of 20 and then 15 and then 10! But, it was great... :D
The squats I started with a set of 30 and then 20. I quickly started to feel my back, which I anticipated and so I had some plates there to put my heels up on to help that. It didn't help. SO, I got my belt and just being able to push into it helped my back a TON! After that I was able to get sets of 40-50 with a small break with the bar on my back.
Second run was good, slow and steady and about 1:30 faster than my first! A great workout to honor a great man.