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"This one time, I rowed a half-marathon."

For Time: Finished in 108:43 (1:48:43) with Stephanie

Ben and Bradley - 98:54 (1:38:54)

Complete with a partner:

21,082 meter row (1/2 marathon)

Partner 1: Row

Partner 2: Alternate between:

1. 1 round of

100 meter Farmer Carry (I used 53# KBs)

100 meter Bear Crawl

50 meter weighted walking lunges (I used 35# KB's)

50 meter single arm OH carry

2. 5 rounds of "Cindy"

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 squats

Buy out: 10 minute plank. (We all did 11:00!)


So Stephanie and I ended up doing 5 rounds of Cindy (So 25 TOTAL rounds) and 6 rounds of the KB work.

The Cindy rounds felt great

The KB work was harder than expected but I wanted to stay heavy. I would say the lunges were the toughest part - beside those bear crawls! (Cramping hip flexors!)

The rows felt great to me as well. When Stephanie was doing her rounds of Cindy I was getting at least 1000 meters done. Nearly every row I was able to stay around a 2:15-2:20 pace. Hamstrings DID start to fail in the middle so I had to change my technique a little bit but that worked okay!

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