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Bear with Me!

For Time: Finished in 129:24

Accumulate: 11,265 meters (7 miles)

3 need to be rucking miles...

And complete, partitioning in any way:

150 push-ups

100 pull-ups

75 lunges

50 bear complex 45/35

25 4 count flutter kick

15 rope climbs


4 rucking miles (on air runner so it felt like 6!) Molly's 14# vest.

2 miles on the rower - PR on one of those for my slowest mile EVER!

1 non-vested mile on the AirRunner

I did all my pull-ups, push-ups and lunges with the vest.

Mostly 15's on push-ups

Mostly 10's on pull-ups

2 sets for the lunges 40/35

No vest for the bear complex - did sets of 10

Did all rope climbs together because I needed to use Stephanie's shoes! :)

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