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"Just Get 'Er Done"

Accumulate the following in ANY way - Finished in 97:14

Molly - 110:00

Emma - 65:40 scaled

Dirk - 62:15

Bradley - 72:00 scaled

1. 10,000 pounds lifted

2. 8,000 meters (5 miles) - 2 of these miles need to be rucking miles, but the rest can be bike, row, ski or unweighted run.

3. 100 Burpee Pull-ups


My schematics:

2 Mile ruck - 20# vest

3 rounds:

4 Deadlifts - 205#

4 Cleans - 115#

4 Squats - 145#

20 Burpee Pull-ups

1 round:


1 round:


800 meter bike

800 meter ski

1600 meter row

1 mile unweighted run

Man - this effected me in a weird way. Lifting heavy after the ruck was very difficult even though I felt like the ruck felt really good.

The cleans felt really good.

Squats were fine

Burpee pull-ups felt good too. It was perfect to do 10, rest for a minute and then do another 10....

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