Midline Mayhem
For Time: Finished in 94:58
Finished First Part in 76:00
Midline Madness in 15:58
Molly - same as me
Ben and Stephanie - 72:25 First Part/13:03 Midline Madness
Dirk - 68:40 - no buy-out
1 Mile Run
10 SA DB Man makers (2 push-ups)
20 Pull-ups
200 Meter Farmer Carry (Heavy)
1 Mile Ruck
10 SA DB Man Makers
25 Pull-ups
200 Meter Double KB Front Rack Carry
1 Mile Row (1600 meters)
10 SA DB Man Makers
30 Pull-ups
100 Meter Double KB Overhead Carry
1 Mile Run
Buy-out: (Keep track of time)
"Midline Madness"
Seal walks - down and back
Used 44# for Farmer Carry
35# for other carries
25# vest for ruck (10:24)
First run - 8:31
Third run - 8:49
40# for Man-makers
Unbroken first 2 sets of pull-ups
23/7 for last set