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Wesley's WOD

For Time (with a Partner): Finished in 32:32 with Gretchen and Dylan

  • Buy-In (share):

  • 56 Box Jump-Overs

  • Then, 22 rounds of (share):

  • 5 Handstand Push-Ups

  • 27 Double-Unders

  • 3 Power Cleans (105/155 lb)

  • Cash-Out (together):

  • 1108 meter Run

In a “you go, I go” format, one partner works at a time (except for the run). For the box jump overs, divide the work between partners as needed. For the 22-round portion of the workout, each partner must complete one round before the next partner does the next round. After the end of the last round, both partners run together.

Grateful to be able to honor Wesley's memory with this workout. I did this with Gretchen and Dylan. Dylan and I went at the same time - we figured we would be close as far as time goes and we were.

This was a really really fun workout. Loved all the movements and it was just fun to do as a partner workout!


From Wesley’s mom, Nikki, via CrossFit Recreate @crossfit_recreate(Butler, PA, USA): Wesley Zablocki was 7 years old and in second grade when he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in March of 2011. Osteosarcoma is a rare type of cancer of the bone that created a tumor in his left distal femur. The following years Wesley’s life was taken over by doctor visits, hospital stays, needle pokes, surgeries and chemotherapy treatments. No matter what the doctors told him he always had hope that things were going to be ok. In January 2015 Wesley started his third clinical trial. He’d already gone through the two standard treatments available for osteosarcoma. They didn’t work for his cancer. His parents researched and spoke with many doctors to see what could be done. They enrolled him in any trial he qualified for. On March 3, 2015, Wesley passed away at 11 years old. Wesley's parents, Ted & Nikki (a CrossFit Recreate member) and his big sister, Zoe, have been involved in CureSearch @curesearch and their "Ultimate Hike" event since 2013. CureSearch for Children’s Cancer’s mission is to end children’s cancer by driving targeted and innovative research with measurable results in an accelerated time frame. CrossFit Recreate organized a fundraiser called "The Ultimate Chipper," where athletes did Wesley’s WOD to raise funds for Cure Search. The significance of the numbers in the workout: - 56: Wesley's favorite number - 11: age when he passed - 5/27/03: birthday - 1,108: number of days since Wesley had passed (as of the date of the 2018 "Ultimate Chipper" fundraiser)

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