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John Moran

For Time: Finished in 10:36

  • 24-20-16-12-8-4 reps of:

  • Front Rack Lunges (135/95 lb)

  • Hand Release Push-Ups

One step on the lunge is one rep.


What a great workout!

These lunges were harder than I thought they were going to be! Whew! I did the round of 24 unbroken -

Broke the rounds of 20 and 16 into two sets... my back was just so fatigued. Then the other sets unbroken.


This Firefighter Hero WOD is dedicated to John Moran, FDNY, Battalion 49, who was killed on September 11, 2001. John Moran was a Fire Department battalion chief and his cousin Joseph Crowley was a congressman. But when they united their voices that last Saturday afternoon, at the block party in the Rockaways -- well, "The Star of the County Down" never sounded sweeter. At 42, Chief Moran was a kayaking, tin- whistle-playing firefighter with a law degree. But he never put himself before others. When his wife, Kim, was working out of town, he fed, bathed and smothered with love their two children -- Ryan, 7, and Dylan, 4 -- all the while ensuring that Peggy Moran, his mother who lived above him, never went wanting. "When I saw his car outside, back home from work, that was a comfort to me," his mother said. People may never forget the taunt that Michael Moran, John's younger brother and fellow firefighter, delivered to Osama bin Laden during a nationally televised concert in October, a taunt so profane and yet so eloquent, full of Irish anger and grief. But Kim Moran will remember the late afternoon of Sunday, Sept. 9, the day after the block party and two days before the disaster that swallowed him. Trudging up from the beach came her beaming husband, pulling his sons on that wheeled contraption he had built for his kayak. His wife grabbed a camera and caught it: John Moran in his glory.

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