Michael Esposito
21-15-9 Reps for Time: Finished in 3:47
Overhead Squats (95/65 lb)
Hand Release Push-Ups
Unbroken Overhead squats - but man, those push-ups got tough. I did a few workouts earlier and my arms were just toast. Still - I was happy with my time!
This Firefighter Hero WOD is dedicated to Michael Esposito, FDNY, Squad 1, who was killed on September 11, 2001. Family and fitness were integral parts of Michael A. Esposito's life. The 42-year-old Eltingville father of two adolescent sons spent all his leisure time involved in their sports activities and instilling values they could carry into adulthood. But the events of Sept. 11 forever altered the peaceful routine of the Esposito household. Mrs. Esposito last spoke to her husband the night before when he left to begin his 24-hour tour at Squad 1 in Park Slope, Brooklyn. He remains one of the 11 missing members of his unit.