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Andrew Harper

For Time: Finished in 56:49

  • Cash-In: 1,000 meter Run

4 Rounds of:

  • 28 Burpees

  • 28 Pull-Ups

  • 28 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) I used a 40#

  • 28 AbMat Sit-Ups

  • 28 Air Squats

  • 28 Push-Ups

  • 28 Alternating Jumping Lunges

  • 28 Double-Unders

  • Cash-Out: 1,000 meter Run

** Modifications

If unable to run, perform 1,000 meters on a Rower, Ski Erg, or Air Bike

Man - this was tough! It was most likely lack of sleep but I really had to pull myself through this one. The burpees into pull-ups into the KB swings was the toughest part... besides those jumping lunges! Whew!

Here was my break-down. Feel like I should have been faster but ... oh well!! Lol!!

Cash-in + Round 1: 15:42 Round 2: 11:24

Round 3: 12:14 Round 4: 12:19

Cash-out: 5:10


Background: This Hero WOD is dedicated to PC Andrew Harper who paid the ultimate price in the line of duty on August 15, 2019. Harper, a rapid response police officer with the Thames Valley roads and traffic command (UK) was killed after he was struck by a car while trying to stop burglary suspects near Reading just four weeks after his wedding. His wife, Lissie, released a tribute to him on Monday night, August 19, 2019, calling him “the kindest, loveliest, most selfless person”. We first found this workout posted by CrossFit Fallow @crossfitfallow (Lincoln, UK) 3 days after his passing. The WOD was designed by Ellie Drakes and Martin James (a CrossFit Fallow member and fellow police officer) to honor Andrew.

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