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For Time: Finished in 1:39:39

150 Air Squats

100 Push-Ups

50 Strict Pull-Ups

10 mile Bike - 19:35

3 mile Run - 25:25

1,000 Double-Unders

150 Air Squats

100 Push-Ups

50 Strict Pull-Ups

Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb) during the first 300 reps (initial air squats, push-ups, and pull-ups)

For the air squats, push-ups, and pull-ups, no partitioning is allowed.

I wore my 8# vest for that first part because my heavier vest is at the Crossfit gym. Strict pull-ups took the longest because I just had to wait for my arms. I did 10 at first and then would wait long enough to get 5 at a time. I would vary my grip each time.

AND I know Molly would be SO proud of my Double unders! I did sets of 100 and did 7 of those sets unbroken!! The 100 would take just under a minute and then I would wait 1 minute and go again. SOOO proud of myself! You want to get better at doubles? Hang out with Molly! 😄


This benchmark WOD from End of Three Fitness was posted to their @garagegymathlete Instagram channel and YouTube, as one of their "Meet Yourself Saturday" series of workouts: "We decided to kick the year off with a bang and welcome all of our new members to an epic Meet Yourself Saturday. Just know athletes all over will be joining. Also, scale accordingly."

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