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For Time: Finished in 31:48 Alex finished in 39:46 (Still had to jump mostly on one foot...)

  • Buy-In: 100 Double-Unders

  • Then, 5 Round of:

  • 20 Pull-Ups

  • 15 Kettlebell Snatches (20/12 kg)

  • 10 Kettlebell Step-Up Presses (24/20 in, 20/12 kg)

  • 15 Kettlebell Snatches (20/12 kg)

  • 20 Ring Dips

  • Cash Out: 100 Double-Unders

For the Kettlebell Step-Up Press, athlete starts with the kettlebell in the front rack position, steps onto the top of the box, then presses the kettlebell overhead with the arm opposite of the leg that stepped up, then steps back down. When both feet are back on the ground, that completes one rep.

This was an interesting workout. It was a little bit grippy but the ring dips and the step-ups break it up just enough that it wasn't too much of an issue.

I really like it!


Captain Vikram Batra, PVC (9 September 1974 – 7 July 1999) was an officer of the Indian Army, posthumously awarded with the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest and most prestigious award for valour, for his actions during the 1999 Kargil War in Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Vikram Batra the “Sher Shah” of the 1999 Kargil War was a fearless Indian Army Officer who led some of the toughest operations in mountain warfare in Indian history. After capturing one of the most strategically important points in the war with zero casualties, Vikram radioed his command post, hailing the words "Yeh dil mange more!" ("This heart wants more" - catch line from a very popular ad) charged up to face the enemy all over again. Vikram died while rescuing an injured officer on July 7, 1999, leaving behind a legacy of unselfishness that is still remembered all over India. This is the first Hero WOD that has been made aware of paying tribute to an Indian armed forces personnel.

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