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AMRAP in 35 minutes: Finished with 7 + 96 or 936 reps Josie did 2 rounds in 13:45!

  • 24 Jump Lunges

  • 24 Hollow Rocks

  • 24 Air Squats

  • 24 AbMat Sit-Ups

  • 24 Burpees

I loved having Josie join me for a couple rounds of this. I knew the hollow rocks would be the toughest part and they definitely were. They were the only thing I had to break up. It was just a mover and so good. Honored...


Lesley Zerebny, 27 years old, was fatally shot while responding to a family disturbance call on Saturday, October 8, 2016. She had been with the Palm Springs (California, USA) Police Department for 18 months. Zerebny is survived by her husband, a Riverside County (CA) Sheriff's deputy, and her 4-month-old baby daughter. A friend, Sam Siaw, with Coach Dusty Marvin of Driven and Strength Conditioning (Temecula, CA), created this workout in Lesley's memory. A GoFundMe page was also started to help support Zerebny's husband and family.

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