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D-Day Remembrance WOD

For Time: I finished in 40:28

  • 1944 meter Row

  • Then, 6 Rounds of:

  • 30 Burpees

  • 30 Sit-Ups

  • 30 Double-Unders

  • 30 Walking Lunges

  • Time Cap: 50 minutes

I took the row a little easier than I needed to because I was easily able to keep my heart rate low during the rest of the WOD staying nice and steady throughout. My shoulder was hurting a bit on the burpees and my hips started to hurt on the lunges near the end but I kept my pace just where I wanted it. With great honor... *************************************** Operation Overlord began on June 6, 1944 and ended on August 25, 1944, when Paris was liberated. The operation started with air landings and a massive amphibious attack in the early morning of June 6th. After the landing, the first attempt was made to maintain and expand the Normandy bridgehead. Various operations were undertaken for this, and during Operation Cobra the Allies finally broke through the German lines. When the Germans collapsed with Falaise, the battle in Allied was definitely a benefit. The road to Paris was opened and the French capital on the Seine was taken. The liberation of Paris is generally regarded as the end of Operation Overlord. The first day of Overlord was referred to as 'D-Day', a term that is often associated with the entire operation.

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