Aug 14, 20172017 Crossfit Games Double-Under/Snatch4 rounds for time of: My time - 7:54 50 Double Unders 15 Snatches, 95/65 lbs Did 2 sets for each round of snatches. 3 rounds of Double Unders unbroken!#OtherWODs #2017CrossfitGamesDoubleunderSnatch #CrossfitGames #RoundsforTime #Doubleunders #Snatches #Unbroken #Short
4 rounds for time of: My time - 7:54 50 Double Unders 15 Snatches, 95/65 lbs Did 2 sets for each round of snatches. 3 rounds of Double Unders unbroken!#OtherWODs #2017CrossfitGamesDoubleunderSnatch #CrossfitGames #RoundsforTime #Doubleunders #Snatches #Unbroken #Short