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5 Rounds for Time: Total time was 30:49 - I have the break-down for each round below...

  • 10 Back Squats (225/155 lbs)

  • 10 Deadlifts (275/185 lbs)

  • 400 meter Sprint

  • 2 minutes Rest

Round 1 - 4:30 Round 2 - 4:17 Round 3 - 4:55 - (started to lose my will... :P) Round 4 - 5:05 - (Think I lost it here... ) Round 5 - 4:02 - (Decided to push it for the last round... celebrating the fact that I did the whole thing even though I wanted to stop after Round 1... Lol!)

********************************************** This Hero WOD was originally posted on the main site as the workout of the day for Friday, July 3, 2015 (150703). U.S. Army Capt. Andrew Pedersen-Keel, of South Miami, Florida, died March 11, 2013. The 28-year-old was assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Pedersen-Keel was fatally injured in Jalrez District, Afghanistan, from small-arms fire from an Afghan security-forces member. He is survived by his mother and stepfather, Helen Pedersen Keiser and Bob Keiser; father, Henry Keel; sister, Mary Elizabeth Keel; and fiancèe, Celeste Pizza.

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