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Deligiannis Sandbag

For Time: 2:16:58

  • 100 Sandbag Get-Ups

  • 100 Sandbag Cleans

  • 100 Sandbag Squats

  • 100 Ground-to-Shoulder Loads

  • 100 Shoulder Presses

  • 100 Sandbag Sit-Ups

  • 1 mile Sandbag Run

  • 100 Push-Ups

  • 100 Pull-Ups

  • 100 4-count Mountain Climbers

  • 100 4-count Flutter Kicks

  • 1 mile Sandbag Run

Use 40% bodyweight sandbag. (I used 44% or 55#) This was definitely an Epic Workout. I knew it was going to take a long time and only doubted my ability to finish in the middle of the Sandbag Get-ups. After the Ground-to-shoulder loads the rest of the workout went pretty smooth. I was honored to do this workout and knew that the energy of all Navy Seals, past and present, were with me... ***************************** Tribute WOD: Kirk Deligiannis (Mettle Forger), died September 25th after completing SEALFIT Kokoro. Kirk leaves behind a wife and two children. He was a GRT, HCL finisher, ultra-marathoner, charity fundraising guru, and all around awesome man. This is a fundraising workout. $20 donation will be collected per person who will be attempting the workout and a recommendation of $5 more if you don't finish. All the money that was raised for the year of 2016 were given to his wife and children. For the following years, the WOD fundraiser will be done during the nearest weekend of 25th September. The raised funds will be used as donations to charity and/or to make a college fund for his two children. You can donate and find out more on You Caring Compassionate Corwdfunding.

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