For Time: Me -- 19:47 Christopher -- 20:07
21-15-9 Reps of:
Ring Dips
Back Squats (135/95 lb)
Start each round with a 600 meter Run
** Perform back squats from a rack. This was tough, but I didn't think it was as tough as they made it sound. It could be because I love these movements and I love running or.... I'm just awesome like that!! Lol!! I just challenged myself to keep going. My hip was hurting a little bit but I got it done! *********************************** This WOD was created by coach Grant Landreth of AdonisFit, originally submitted to us on Saturday, July 1, 2017. Grant said "I was looking to create a WOD that demonstrated my style of work outs principle." Named for "the Ancient Greek Adonis, this workout is as brutal and beautiful as its namesake. Meant to rip your body apart as quickly as possible as Adonis did the boar on his hunts. The workout is fast paced intense and can be scaled to any level athlete. The rep scheme [descends] to challenge the small muscles in the arms and legs through fatigue. Don't let this workout fool you it is quick and painful."