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AMRAP in 40 minutes:

3 + 70 (was in the middle of the sandbag carry when time ran out... finished that in 42:36

(I counted the plank hold as 40 and the sandbag carry as 1)

  • 9 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)

  • 1 Rope Climb

  • 8 Burpees

  • 12 Push-Ups

  • 40 second Plank Hold

  • 800 foot Sandbag Carry (80/50 lb) -- I used a 90#

  • 20 Double-Unders

  • 17 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)

This was a great workout. I was using the 90# sandbag and for the first 2 rounds I was carrying it in front and then had to switch to carrying it on my shoulder... that was MUCH easier! Lol!!

******************************* This Hero WOD was originally posted by CrossFit Dimensions (of Delray Beach , FL) as their workout of the day for Friday, April 20, 2017. The 40-minute AMRAP represents the age of Officer Braswell at the time of passing. Her badge number was 918, represented by 9 clean-and-jerks, 1 rope climb and 8 burpees. 12 push-ups represent years of service at Delray Police Department. Lastly, 4, 8, 20 and 17 reps signify the date when Officer Braswell ended her watch. From CrossFit Dimensions: "Delray Beach Police Officer and SWAT Team member, Christine Braswell, was hit and killed in a motor vehicle accident while enjoying a well-earned vacation with another officer in the Keys. Officer Braswell was airlifted to the Ryder Trauma Center where she passed surrounded by the love and care of her parents, her DBPD family and many heartbroken friends, on the evening of Saturday April 8th, 2017. Hired by DBPD in 2005, Officer Braswell was masterful at her job and dedicated to her community. She was a member of the S.W.A.T. Team and was the only female S.W.A.T. sniper in all of Palm Beach County. She shared her passion for law enforcement as a field training officer for new officers, as a police academy instructor at Broward College and as a mentor for the Delray Beach Police Explorers. Braswell aka “Snipes” embodied what the CrossFit community is all about. She was the person who stayed with you and encouraged you to finish the workout, counting all your reps, even when everyone else was already done. She was an instant friend with an infectious smile, always joking around and having fun. She was someone you looked forward to seeing each and every day, whether it be for the WOD, a double WOD, or her favorite class – stretching! Officer Braswell had served with the Delray Beach Police Department for 12 years. She is survived by her parents."

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