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10 Rounds For Time: 19:36 11/25/19 - Finished in 17:41

  • 3 Handstand Push-Ups (I did strict)

  • 6 Deadlift (225 lbs)

  • 12 Pull-Ups

  • 24 Double-Unders

I really like this workout! I DID rip in the second round and my hands just hurt from the last several days of many pull-ups, BUT, it didn't seem to slow me down too much.

Back was tired from yesterday's workout too but I just kept thinking - It's only 6, just go fast!

All pull-ups unbroken - which was actually tougher than I thought it would be. Again, just fatigue from the last few days. Double Unders - Awesome! They were my rest! Honored! ***************************** ​U.S. Army First Lieutenant Brian Bradshaw, 24, of Steilacoom, WA, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Fort Richardson, AK, died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, on June 25th, 2009, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated a roadside bomb near his vehicle. He is survived by his parents, Paul and Mary, and brother Robert.

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