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10 Rounds: Finished in 23:17 10 meter Farmers Carry (2/1.5 pood) 5 Strict Chin-Ups 10 meter Farmers Carry (2/1.5 pood) 5 Burpees 5 Deadlifts (265/185 lbs) Place your deadlift bar 10 meters from your pull-up bar and do the farmers carries between the two. Use kettlebells or dumbbells for the farmers carry. ** This was actually a fun one! I missed the first 2 rounds of burpees accidentally so I did 15 in the third round. I rested only before the deadlifts as you all know they are sometimes a challenge for me. They actually felt great and I got the majority of them unbroken which is a huge deal at 185#! So YAY! *********************************** Australian Hero WOD. Scott paid the ultimate price for his country on 21 October 2012. Scott was known for his deadlifts and pull-ups that he was often seen doing at the gym and his ability to quickly complete a pack march which he still holds the Unit record for. Scott was killed in action in Afghanistan on 21 October 2012 doing the job he loved. Scott was a cheeky character often playing practical jokes with his mates and peers so this WOD hopes to capture his cheekiness. This workout has included his favorite movements and a farmer’s carry. The farmer’s carry is to acknowledge his role as a combat engineer that required him to often carry heavy loads during a mission and due to the nature of his trade there was never time for rest.

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