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Bathgate PTSD

AMRAP in 22 minutes --- 540 Total Reps

  • 1 min Pull-Ups - 33

  • 1 min Air Squats - 43

  • 1 min Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) - 22

  • 1 min Double Unders - 53

  • 1 min Push-Ups - 35

  • 1 min Sit-Ups - 28

  • 1 min Lunges (40/20 kg) - 22

  • 1 min Strict Presses (30/15 kg) - 20

  • 1 min Mountain Climbers - 60

  • 1 min Dumbbell Push Pressses (20/10 kg) - 20

  • 1 min Box Jumps (24/20 in) - 21

  • 1 min Shuttle Runs (10 m) - 11

  • 1 min Wall Balls (9/6 kg) - 16

  • 1 min Ball Slams (9/6 kg) - 20

  • 1 min Burpees - 10

  • 1 min Bench Presses (50/35 kg) - 12

  • 1 min Deadlifts (80/60 kg) - 17

  • 1 min Wall Sit - 50

  • 1 min Plank Hold - 50

  • 1 min Rope Climbs (15 ft) - 3

  • 1 min Toes-to-Bar - 13

  • 1 min Dumbbell Snatches (25/15 kg) - 16

Score is total reps completed of all movements. For Wall Sit and Plank count 1 rep per second in static hold (do not count transition or rest time). This was really fun!! It was definitely a shoulder burner and the middle part got pretty tough from the strict presses to the burpees - but overall, a really fun, interesting workout.

SO honored to do this one... especially with the kids! ****************************************** British Charity WOD: From CrossFit Bathgate, "This is a WOD devised by our guys who wish to do this in aid of the service men and women who suffer or have suffered from PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder]." The workout was created in support of Combat Stress, the UK's leading veterans' mental health charity, which treats a range of mental health conditions including PTSD, depression and anxiety. "Rise to the challenge."

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