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4 Rounds for Time: (20:44)

  • 2 Squat Cleans (185/125 lbs)

  • 15 Push-Ups

  • 99 Double Unders

  • 12 Sit-Ups

  • 23 Deadlifts (185/125 lbs)

  • 13 Box Jumps

In remembrance of Kiana O'Neil of CrossFit Continuum. Kiana passed away 12/23/13 at the age of 14. "She worked diligently through On-Ramp and was eager to join her mom, Monica Meade, in classes. Her determination was inspiring to everyone around her. Kiana never used the word can’t, she just tried until she could. She was so strong, not just physically but mentally." “I think one of the biggest things I am grateful for is crossfit. I seriously have never been so in love with a hobby in my life. I’m grateful for one of the trainers helping me get over my biggest fear, box jumps, and I’m grateful for the WOD everyday even though sometimes they suck, and I’m grateful for the support that goes on in crossfit.” - Kiana O’Neil

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