San Fran CripplerApr 25, 2016For Time: Finished in 6:36 30 Back Squats (Bodyweight) 1,000 meter Row - (PR my row!!!!!) 4:11 Back squats are from a rack. This is a variant of the “Crippler” WOD which involves a 1 mile run instead of the row.#SanFranCrippler #Crippler #BackSquats #Row #Short #ForTime
For Time: Finished in 6:36 30 Back Squats (Bodyweight) 1,000 meter Row - (PR my row!!!!!) 4:11 Back squats are from a rack. This is a variant of the “Crippler” WOD which involves a 1 mile run instead of the row.#SanFranCrippler #Crippler #BackSquats #Row #Short #ForTime