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For Time: 1:15:39 1.5 mile Run Then 8 rounds of: 19 Pull-Ups 19 Push-Ups 19 Burpees Then, 400 meter Sandbag Carry (heavy) - - (Used my new 50# sandbag) 1-mile Farmers Carry (45/35 lb dumbbells) This was such an interesting WOD... the toughest part for me was the 1 mile Farmer Carry. My condo gym's heaviest dumbbells are 25#'s so I used those... and boy was I glad! Lol! Had to go .1 mile or less at a time. My left hand was giving out way before my right was. Need to do these more often for sure!! U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Adam Servais, of Onalaska, Wisconsin, died Aug. 19, 2006, in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan, when his vehicle came under hostile fire. The 23-year-old was assigned to the 23rd Special Tactics Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Florida. Servais is survived by his parents, Peter and Susan; and sister, Laura.

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