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Painstorm XII

For Time: (32:12)

REDO - October 9, 2017 --- Time: 28:07 REDO - February 16, 2019 --- Time 34:52 BUT - this time I did the mile run first and then all the barbell movements. It was definitely tougher without the run break!

400 meter Run

50 Back Squats 50 Front Squats 50 Overhead Squats 400 meter Run 50 Shoulder Presses 50 Push Presses 50 Push Jerks 400 meter Run 50 Hang Power Cleans 50 Hang Power Snatches 400 meter Run aka: “Olympic Bar Mile.” Perform all barbell movements with the bar only (45/35 lbs). Perform the run without the bar. This is a variant of “Broomstick Mile.” #thatdeepburntho Yikes!

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